Tuesday 21 February 2012

UV Mapping & Time Check

I've finally gotten around to uv mapping some of my models. So far I've mapped the sword and the shield. I think that the shield, sword and belt are the easiest ones to uv map, the others should probably be a challenge to map good, but shouldn't take too long.

If you look at the timeline in my proposal you will notice that I am about a week behind. I was supposed to start the texturing earlier in the week but I am still finishing up the UV mapping. I do not see this as an immediate problem because the timeline is pretty lenient. In the timeline I believe I gave myself to much time for both UV mapping and texturing, the reason I am behind is that I've had a lot of other projects taking my time lately. I think that once things level out after next week I will be able to spend most of my time working on this project and be able to catch myself up.

Here is the UV maps I have finished so far.

There is a lot of wasted space but with props like this sometimes there is not enough surface area to make filling the whole space an efficient way of doing it. For example the sword blade is too long to make any bigger on the sheet, therefore I would want to keep all the other parts roughly the same size to keep the level of detail the same throughout the whole sword.

There will probably be some final editing done to these maps before I move onto texturing like on the shield for example, I can make the shield front and back bigger to extend to the top of the sheet. These are just small changes that could end up creating much higher quality work.

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