Monday 23 January 2012

Concepts and Design

For this semester in Self-Directed I plan to focus on texturing and mapping, so most of my work is going to be focused in Photoshop. What I am going to be texturing is a suit of armor, but not just any suit of armor, I'm creating all the parts of the metaphorical armor of God that's described in Ephesians 6:10-18 in the Bible. There are six parts, the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield faith, the belt of truth, the sandals fitted with the readiness that comes with the gospel of peace, and the sword of the Spirit. I am going to model each part to the best of my ability and create the best possible textures I can for them.

So far I have drawn up some concepts of what the armor parts are going to look like.
Check them out.

 Helmet Concepts

 Shield Concepts

Breastplate Concept

Chosen armor parts together

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