Sunday 15 April 2012

Helmet Final

The helmet proved to be a challenge for me, each step of the way there was a new problem I had to overcome. Firstly, it was hard to model because of all the weird shapes, I hadn't modeled anything quite like it before. Then when I had to prepare it for Mudbox I ran into problems. I ended up having to remodel some of it because Mudbox didn't like it, but after that it was a much better model. Then when I was sculpting it in Mudbox it was tough because there was a lot of crevices than were hard to get at. The only part that went smooth with the helmet was the texturing, I didn't run into any problems.

In the end I really like how the helmet turned out though, it might be my favorite part of the armor.

 Base model
 With normal map
 With normal map and textures

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